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I appreciate that this is not just a job for Doug. He really cares about us and our situation. Doug has helped us to improve our trust and communication around finances which has strengthened our marriage.

Caleb & Amy P.

I would definitely recommend working with Doug in particular. We previously went through the FPU Class, but having the accountability has been so beneficial. It is worth the money to get on the right track and was essential for us. You should definitely do this. At first I wondered if we could do this on our own, however I am glad that we worked with Doug. Having an unbiased third person has really made a big difference in our finances and in our relationship.

Andy & Tricia W.

Beforehand it was hard for me to see why I should pay for coaching, but it was well worth the investment. Would recommend working with Doug for the accountability. He is a voice of reason and encouragement. 

Dustin & Elizabeth G.

Doug does the budget with you, allowing you to learn yourself, rather than just telling you what to do.

Brittany & Brett R.

Go for it. There were so many things we didn't know or think about. This is great for those who need help with budgeting. Doing the zero-based budget has really helped us pay off as much debt as possible, and now we are debt-free other than our mortgage. 

Josh & Rachel S.

The non-biased help and accountability has helped both of us, and we've increased the communication in our marriage around finances. We now feel like we are in it together and have a handle on things like retirement, investments, and insurances. What do you have to lose? You have a lot to gain.

Nick & Katie F.

This is the way to gain confidence and control. Doug gave us checkpoints and goals, but we had to do the work. It's not just financial. We have made a lot of emotional and spiritual improvements as well. You have tried your way, why not try a way that others have found success with? 

Jackson & Brinlee P.

The cash envelope method for my dining out and groceries categories is working amazingly. Turns out when I have to actually stare at the cash I'm going to spend it's a little unappetizing. By using cash, I came in way under budget for the first half of the month and applied it to my debt snowball payment. 

Emily J.

We now have peace of mind and some money in the bank. We are on the same page. Before we started the process, all the financial responsibility fell on me and wore me down. Now I feel like we are a team and it's a relief. Doug has been our rock, standing by us the entire time, helping us to push further and to encourage us. I would recommend him to anybody. He's going to take you on a ride that will change your life. Jump in with both feet and don't look back!

Bryan & Jennifer S.

Doug's approach is very personalized. Money can be scary to talk about, but he always made me feel comfortable. I didn't feel afraid to talk to him about the personal things in my life around finances. Doug was there for me and available throughout the month, not just during our meeting times. Once you go through the program, you will know the steps to continue taking to reach your goals.

Brittany G.

We didn't learn much about money growing up. Now that we have learned the importance of having a financial plan and using a budget, we have the tools to reach our goals. We have gained a big sense of freedom. Going through this process has helped us to be able to teach our kids about finances. We are on the path of breaking generational habits of not being good stewards with money.

Ryan & Brittany M.

Doug teaches you things you likely did not learn in school.

Carl & Ana Marie M.

Doug is trustworthy and reliable. He cares about his clients. He has their best interest in mind. He wouldn't recommend anything for you that he wouldn't do himself. You don't have to stop living your life or having fun to be financially successful.

Tarraya C.

The amount of unnecessary money we were spending was crazy. We are a lot more peaceful now that we aren't living paycheck to paycheck anymore. 

Doug taught us to be more organized with our money. We aren't as stressed out because we have our emergency fund in place. We're doing much better budgeting, so it's okay to have fun because we aren't taking the money from somewhere we shouldn't. 

Heidi & Mike W.

I wish we had done this years ago. It has been well worth the investment to have a mediator with our finances and hold us accountable for the things that wouldn't be easy to do. Money used to be a hard thing for us to discuss in our marriage. It was easier to make big decisions and have difficult conversations with Doug's encouragement. 

Clifford & Lori M.

I don't have to live paycheck to paycheck anymore. I now see a light at the end of the tunnel and know how to get out of this. If someone were to ask me how certain I am that working with Doug would help them, it is a 10 out of 10. He changed my life. I went from being on the verge of losing my home to being caught up on my mortgage. He keeps me accountable. Your life can be different in less than six months, like mine.

Kylie D.

I have been an athlete all my life. As an athlete, you always think you know what you're doing. But often times, it takes a coach to help you see how you can improve. You need to put your ego aside and say I do need help and a coach to steer me onto the right track. We could not have done this on our own. It's not just positively impacting our finances, but also other areas of our life. There's nothing wrong with asking for help. It is worth every penny.  

Loyd & Heloise G.

If you have been doing things on your own and you are not where you want to be financially, it's now time to get a financial coach to partner with. You can then experience life with somebody who empahtizes with you, prays with you, and helps you put together a plan to accomplish. Your finances are an important part of your life, but not the only part. You need a coach to help you with that, and that coach is Doug. This time is priceless. Before I felt like a victim, but now I feel like I am in charge of my finances. 

Marita C.

I can use this budget document for the rest of my life and feel confident about where my money is going. These meetings have changed my thought process when it comes to spending. We also now have important things like our wills and life insurance in place.

Matt & Shayna M.

Coaching gives you back the power, instead of your money having power over you. There may be times when you stumble and fall, but eventually you'll see the rewards. This helped us to see where we're at and be more diligent. It is life-changing.

Patrick & Chelsea S.

Doug is patient. He is not judgmental. He never made me feel ashamed, even though I wasn't always doing very well. He made finances and budgeting simple enough that I could actually do it. He's very encouraging and allowed me to celebrate our victories, which motivated me to keep going further.

Lisa J.

This has largely helped our relationship and communication. We aren't just handing our hard-earned money to the bank anymore. You can live within a budget and still do things. It feels like we have more money since we are no longer paying about twice as much for things (by using credit cards with high interest rates). We can go shopping guilt-free!

Jon & Victoria M.

There has been so much that has changed and been accomplished. To see the debt drop so quickly feels great. Right now is always the best time to start doing the right thing. You just have to choose to do it. Say yes. The peace you're seeking is going to happen if you follow this process. 

Cameron & Micaela B.

Doug has helped us make relatively easy changes that have delivered big results. It is more about changing your mindset. Doug helped coach us through credit card negotiations and has connected us with other important resources. You can read about this sort of stuff online, but to have someone talk to you and coach you through your specific scenario is invaluable. 

Ryan & Jorden D.

Our relationship has strengthened thanks to Doug's coaching. We have more open communication about finances, which means less arguing. Put your trust in the Lord and try it. You will see that it works! Doug has the heart of a teacher. He is very detailed. He doesn't tell you what to do, but will help to explain the options so that you can make a wise decision.

Omar & Aida F.

I love using the budget. You can tell Doug spent a lot of time creating it, and it's amazing how it works. This has been life changing. My wife and I are on the same page and things are so much easier. Doug is a Christian and a family man. He is straight to the point, but doesn't overwhelm you.

Steven & Sheila F.

Having a structure to follow worked well for me and gave me a realistic plan to pay down debt while still living my life (and having a Starbucks once in a while). This has opened my eyes to see that finances are not so scary after all. Paying my debt off went from being unrealistic to being a very realistic goal - this is doable!

Alyssa B.

Doug listens to you. You can see that he really cares and wants you to be successful. If you fall down, he helps you get back up. I didn't initially see a way out of debt, but I've had to trust the process and I am seeing the results. 

I felt peace during my trip to Tennessee and had the money planned for everything we did. I'm so happy I'm not borrowing money anymore. I've never felt so on top of things in my life. 

Rosalind P.

It's crazy how much money Doug has helped me save!

Cheryl P.

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